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Transcoding with an Intel Arc GPU

I am a bit of an NVIDIA fanboy when it comes to GPUs. This is partly down to being a long time Linux Desktop user (until recently) and them having excellent drivers allowing me to pretty effortlessly get proper hardware acceleration working.

In my lab environment I have an old Nvidia Quadro P400 that’s set up for various transcoding workloads and its been working absolutely great for me despite being an older card. I have been primarily using the h264 codec but I recently moved over to h265 (hevc) mostly out of curiosity, and to see if I could get quality on-par with h264, whilst getting similar file sizes.

Ethereum Mining with NVIDIA on Linux

by Simon

Bitcoin has been getting a lot of attention in the media lately; primarily due to its association with recent high profile ransomware incidents. Bitcoin was first introduced back in 2009 as a digital currency and has been steadily gaining traction since, increasing almost 140% in value so far this year!

Bitcoin however, is not the only player in the game; Ethereum is another popular digital currency, currently sitting at 2nd place in total market value and is getting a lot of activity on currency exchanges.

An incentive to help keep the underlying “network” up and running (for both Ethereum and Bitcoin, amongst others) is a piece of software which can be used to validate transactions on the network and issue rewards for doing so. This is otherwise known as Mining.

My current Gaming PC seems to grab me a reasonable amount of Ethereum Tokens on 2+ year old hardware. Certainly enough to make me want to play around with actually mining some.